I have been using a logistic model from rms::lrm
to estimate the odds ratio of a binary exposure on an outcome, using splines [time] as Frank Harrell recommended. I am using Predict
and Contrast
to estimate time-varying coefficients which can be further manipulated.
An example using the inbuilt ToothGrowth dataset:
#Install and load packages
#develop a binary predictor variable with values A and B
ToothGrowth <- ToothGrowth %>%
mutate(dose_binary = case_when(
dose >1 ~ "A", TRUE ~ "B")).
#run logistic regression with 5 restricted cubic splines
dd <- datadist(ToothGrowth)
mod <- lrm(supp ~ dose_binary + rcs(len, 5), data = ToothGrowth)
#predict odds of "supp" in group A and group B, for values of len 1:25
p1 <- Predict(mod, dose_binary = "A", len = 1:25)
p2 <- Predict(mod, dose_binary = "B", len = 1:25)
This works very well, but I would like to estimate the odds (not odds ratio) of exposure in both outcome groups, combined (e.g., the average of p1 and p2); along the time-varying spline function (and I have additional covariates in the final model too).
The underlying problem is to estimate the association between therapy A vs therapy B on the probability of a severe outcome:
OR (severe) = odds(severe)/odds(control)
But I lack data on controls. I wish to estimate the odds in controls, borrowing probabilities I DO have from different but related sources (bold indicates data I have access to):
A) OR(s/m) = odds(severe)/odds(mild)
B) OR(severe+mild) = odds(severe + mild)/odds(control)
My logic was to calculate the joint probabilities in both the “severe” and “mild” groups (from A) and estimate the odds in the control group that I lack by:
Odds(control) = odds(severe + mild, from A)/OR(severe + mild, from B)
All of these values are modeled along spline functions which is why your package rms
has been so useful.
I’m aware this seems a complex way of doing something simple but the problem is generalizable to other outcomes, exploring duration of protection.
I spent a long time looking at the documentation of Contrast
and Predict
to see, for example, whether it's possible to incorporate a time-varying adjustment to the predictions directly through weights or another option.