I am trying to run some simulations to implement a test that is supposed (according to the theory) to follow a chi-squared distribution with 1 degree of freedom. My setting is as follows:
The data $Z_i$, $i=1,\cdots,n$ comes from the normal distribution $\mathcal{N}(\alpha_i,\theta_0)$ so that $Z_i$ has mean $\alpha_i$ and all the observations share the same standard deviation $\theta_0$. Each $\alpha_i$ is unknown with density $g$. Therefore, from the researcher's point of view, the density is $$ f(z) = \int \mathcal{N}(\alpha_i,\theta_0)g(\alpha_i) d\alpha_i $$ Assuming that $\alpha_i$ is discrete with points $r=1,\cdots,R$, I have: $$ f(z) = \sum^R_r \mathcal{N}(\alpha_r,\theta_0)g(\alpha_r) $$ Since the score of this model $S_\theta$ with respect to $\theta$ (and evaluated at $\theta_0$) should have mean zero, the CLT tells us that $\sqrt{n}\mathbb{E}_n[S_\theta(Z)]$ will have a normal distribution with variance $W = \mathbb{E}[S^2_\theta]$. In this case, the score will be
$$ S_\theta(z) = \frac{1}{f(z)}\sum^R_rp_\theta(z,\alpha_r\theta_0)g(\alpha_r), $$ where $p_\theta(z,\alpha_r\theta_0)$ is the derivative of $\mathcal{N}(\alpha_r,\theta)$ with respect to $\theta$ and evaluated at $\theta_0$.
This implies that $$ t = n*\mathbb{E}_n[S_\theta(Z)]*\mathbb{E}_n[S_\theta(Z)]/\hat{W}, $$ where $\mathbb{E}_n[S_\theta(Z)] = \frac{1}{n}\sum^n_{i=1}S_\theta(z_i)$ and $\hat{W}$ is the sample counterpart of $W$. is a chi-squared distribution with 1 df.
I want to show this result in R. I estimate $g$ using the R-package deconvolveR
. Then I compute the score, compute its mean, and its variance. However, when I compute the 95% and 90% quantiles based on 1000 Monte Carlo simulations, I am not getting the right quantiles of the chi-squared distribution. This is my code:
theta_null <- 1 # Theta under the H0
n = 1500 # Number of observations in the sample
B = 1000 # Number of Monte Carlo repetitions
J = 11 # Number of basis.
c = 3 # Regularization parameter
test_statistic = rep(NA,B)
for(b in 1:B){
set.seed(238923 + b)
##############################Create the data###################################
theta_true <- theta_null #True Theta (standard deviation)
#Create the alphas
alphas <- c(runif(n = 500, -1.7, -.7), runif(n = 1000, .7, 2.7))
#Create the Z
z <- rnorm(n, mean = alphas, sd = theta_true)
#Create vector of evaluation points
tau <- seq(from = -4, to = 5, by = 0.2)
####Compute the test statistic #####
estimate_nc <- deconv_my(tau = tau, X = z, family = "Normal", pDegree = J, c0 = c, theta_null=theta_null)
g_est <- estimate_nc$stats[, "g"]
prob_nc = matrix(NA, length(z), length(tau))
for(i in 1:length(z)){
for (m in 1:length(tau)){
prob_nc[i,m] = (1/(theta_null*(sqrt(2*pi))))*exp((-1/2)*(((z[i]-tau[m])/theta_null)^2))
f_hat_nc = prob_nc%*%g_est
num_score_nc = matrix(NA, length(z), length(tau))
for(i in 1:length(z)){
for (m in 1:length(tau)){
num_score_nc[i,m] = (1/(sqrt(2*pi)*(theta_null^4)))*exp((-1/2)*(((z[i]-tau[m])/theta_null)^2))*((z[i]-tau[m])^2 - (theta_null^2))
num_score_avg_nc = num_score_nc%*%g_est
score_nc = num_score_avg_nc/f_hat_nc
m_nc = score_nc
m_nc_mean = mean(m_nc)
W_nc = mean(m_nc^2)
#The test statistic is
c_no_robust = (n*m_nc_mean*m_nc_mean)/W_nc
test_statistic[b] = c_no_robust }
size_test_5 = sum(as.numeric(test_statistic >= qchisq(.95, df=1)))/nrow(test_statistic)
size_test_10 = sum(as.numeric(test_statistic >= qchisq(.90, df=1)))/nrow(test_statistic)
Note the deconvolveR
requires some evaluation points to conduct the estimation, this is $\tau$. As you can see I am not getting 5% and 10%. This is not improving once I increase the sample size
Do you think there is something wrong with my code?