
If there are 10 positive examples, and 90 negative examples in the test set, what is the smallest possible difference in AUC, between two rankers giving different AUC?


1 Answer 1


If rankers aren't allowed to give ties, then the minimum positive differences in AUROC for two rankers on a population with $N$ negative and $P$ positives examples is $1/(NP)$. The ROC space for such a population is a $(N+1)\times(P+1)$ grid of points, because the true positive rate and false positive rate have denominators $P$ and $N$ respectively. Without ties, the ROC curves consist of axis-aligned segments joining these points, and so the area is a collection of full grid squares (there are $N\times P$ such squares). Finding two curves that differ in exactly one square is pretty easy.

If rankers are allowed to give ties, then the minimum positive difference is $1/(2NP)$, from a simple observation related to Pick's theorem, namely that a polygon with integer coordinates has half-integer area. Scaling our grid to integers and back, the 1/2 gets scaled by $1/(NP)$. Then it's just up to us to find two curves realizing that. The perfect ROC curve and one almost-perfect one works, namely having just the two nontrivial points $(FPR, TPR)=(0, 1-1/P)$ and $(1/N, 1)$. In terms of the ranking, that's something like $(0<0<\dotsc<0<0<1=0<1<1<\dotsc<1)$.


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