The log of the likelihood is
$$\log(L)=\sum _{i=1}^n \log \left(1-\alpha +\frac{\alpha (1-x_i)^{\beta -1}}{B(1,\beta )}\right)$$
and you maximize that to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates. But you'll also need to obtain an estimate of precision for each parameter estimator (along with an estimate of the covariance of the two parameter estimators). Here is code using R:
# Generate data
n <- 10000
a <- 0.6 # alpha
b <- 4 # beta
y1 <- runif(n)
y2 <- rbeta(n, 1, b)
z <- rbinom(n, 1, a)
x <- (1-z)*y1 + z*y2
# Log of likelihood function
logL <- function(parms, x=x) {
a <- parms[1]
b <- parms[2]
sum(log(1 - a + a*(1-x)^(b-1) / beta(1, b)))
logL(c(0.5, 3), x=x)
# Find maximum of log of the likelihood
mle <- optim(c(0.6, 4), logL, x=x, method="L-BFGS-B",
lower=c(0, 0), upper=c(1,Inf), control=list(fnscale=-1),
#[1] 0.6065559 3.9964919
# Now find an estimate of the covariance matrix
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 0.0001276929 -0.0007138556
# [2,] -0.0007138556 0.0099189948
# Estimates of standard errors for alpha and beta
# [1] 0.01130013 0.09959415
I don't believe there is a nice closed-form solution for the maximum likelihood estimates.