I am doing VECM of prices of meat. This one result confuses me. This one shows that P_F and P_R has a positive relationship. This can be interpreted at 1% of P_R is 0.18% of P_F. However it also shows that there is a negative trend. Can this mean that the P_F and P_R are both decreasing in the long run? The results are questionable because the graph of the variables obviously shows an increasing trend. Also, when I interchange the variables. It showed that the relationship of the variables are still positive. However the trend now becomes positive too.
How can I interpret these results? The model is already stable so I'm just wondering how am I gonna interpret the results as the diagnostics are already met.
To check if I might got the wrong signs, I tried using it in an Ordinary Least Squares with a trend. Using the P_F as the response variable and the trend is still negative. When I interchange the variables, the trend becomes positive. And yet the relationship between the two remains the same. The diagnostics are still showing good results so I wonder how can I interpret this type of relationship.