I want to predict whether a machine will fail based on the most recent set of measurements taken by on-board sensors. I have several dozen machines, each with a sensor that takes a measurement at regular intervals. Some machines have already failed, but most have not. The resulting dataset looks something like the example data below, with one row for each machine, showing the 30 most recent sensor measurements as well as a "failure" designation, where 0
indicates that the machine is still operational, and 1
indicates that the machine failed after the measurement taken at time30
ID time1 time2 time3 time4 time5 time6 time7 time8 time9 time10 time11 time12 time13 time14 time15 time16 time17 time18 time19 time20 time21 time22 time23 time24 time25 time26 time27 time28 time29 time30 failure
0 1 3.085 1.360 2.351 3.858 5.562 3.709 6.423 9.706 5.521 0.045 5.676 6.045 5.540 8.404 2.701 7.969 2.535 5.096 7.949 5.888 9.250 6.608 1.441 2.066 8.885 6.985 1.310 4.245 9.068 3.283 0
1 2 7.938 9.833 5.776 3.218 0.978 4.164 8.079 7.425 5.554 0.259 5.927 5.168 8.751 8.713 5.651 9.342 0.385 6.623 4.348 9.113 9.230 7.134 4.316 4.725 9.258 4.248 6.497 7.354 7.707 2.527 0
2 3 5.946 0.096 1.972 6.362 9.990 6.702 9.683 5.111 2.273 7.581 0.379 5.571 0.274 9.429 3.572 2.032 0.543 0.467 3.028 1.095 0.529 8.780 4.375 7.544 0.754 5.400 4.943 1.821 1.486 2.492 1
3 4 6.793 9.299 1.522 9.307 0.438 9.999 0.481 6.420 3.881 4.933 7.185 4.176 4.224 7.403 9.101 3.300 3.273 0.556 6.421 5.528 9.262 6.160 1.573 9.299 4.307 0.808 4.270 6.886 3.548 4.889 0
4 5 8.470 5.503 7.420 8.363 3.316 1.047 9.695 3.884 2.010 8.353 1.308 7.733 7.898 3.327 2.737 2.858 2.002 5.483 7.750 4.952 2.435 5.980 6.403 0.985 1.591 8.886 7.586 0.062 6.002 1.144 1
My Question:
What shape should my input tensors take? Should my input tensor have the shape of (num_of_samples, 1, 30), or (num_of_samples, 30, 1), where the 30
is the number of time point measurements per sample? Which dimension of the tensor represents the number of features, and which represents the number of time point measurements? I've made a related post here that is more code-focused and has additional specifics about the structure of my CNN using PyTorch.