I am confused by the statements that I came across in two different papers.
The statement from the paper titled as "Detecting Cyber Attacks in Industrial Control Systems Using Convolutional Neural Networks":
While CNNs used in image processing are two-dimensional (2D), 1D CNNs exist, and they can be successfully used for time series processing, because time series have a strong 1D (time) locality which can be extracted by convolutions.
The statement from the paper titled as "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of Industrial Robots Using Sliding-Window Convolutional Variational Autoencoder":
Although CNN is mostly applied for analyzing images, it is also successfully explored in multivariate time series data. Since multivariate time series have the same 2-dimensional data structures as image, CNN for analyzing images is suitable for handling multivariate time series as well.
I am confused about how the structure of univariate and multivariate time-series data differ, how we can relate them to CNNs.
*Edit: This question centers on time-series. The supposed "duplicate" is about classification; this is not a duplicate and merits an adequate answer.