I am calculating an incidence risk (r): number of cases of a disease in a population over one year (c) divided by the total mid-year population (N).
$$ r = \frac{c}{N} $$
Let's assume that c is a precise measure, with no uncertainty around it.
N, however, is a point estimate. I also have a 95% CI around it:
$$ N=125 $$
$$ (u(N),v(N))=(100,150) $$
Can I incorporate this uncertainty into the risk, in order to calculate a 95% CI around r?
This is not something I've ever done. After some online searching, I've come across error propagation, that I think would apply here - error propagation for a quotient.
$$ \sigma_r = |r| \sqrt{(\frac{\sigma_c}{c})^2 + (\frac{\sigma_N}{N})^2 + 2\frac{\sigma_{cN}}{cN}} $$
However, I'm not sure:
- If this is appropriate to use in this circumstance
- How to go from a confidence interval to