I have data that look like this.
And my goal is to reduce this 3D dimension into 2D dimension so it might looks like this. Turning the angle so the distance between all classes becomes maximum.
So therefore I have made a MATLAB-code to use:
function [W] = lda(varargin)
% Check if there is any input
error('Missing inputs')
% Get impulse response
if(length(varargin) >= 1)
X = varargin{1};
error('Missing data X')
% Get the sample time
if(length(varargin) >= 2)
y = varargin{2};
error('Missing class ID y');
% Get the sample time
if(length(varargin) >= 3)
c = varargin{3};
error('Missing amount of components');
% Get size of X
[row, column] = size(X);
% Create average vector mu_X = mean(X, 2)
mu_X = mean(X, 2);
% Count classes
amount_of_classes = y(end) + 1;
% Create scatter matrices Sw and Sb
Sw = zeros(row, row);
Sb = zeros(row, row);
% How many samples of each class
samples_of_each_class = zeros(1, amount_of_classes);
for i = 1:column
samples_of_each_class(y(i) + 1) = samples_of_each_class(y(i) + 1) + 1; % Remove +1 if you are using C
% Iterate all classes
shift = 1;
for i = 1:amount_of_classes
% Get samples of each class
samples_of_class = samples_of_each_class(i);
% Copy a class to Xi from X
Xi = X(:, shift:shift+samples_of_class - 1);
% Shift
shift = shift + samples_of_class;
% Get average of Xi
mu_Xi = mean(Xi, 2);
% Center Xi
Xi = Xi - mu_Xi;
% Copy Xi and transpose Xi to XiT and turn XiT into transpose
XiT = Xi';
% Create XiXiT = Xi*Xi'
XiXiT = Xi*XiT;
% Add to Sw scatter matrix
Sw = Sw + XiXiT;
% Calculate difference
diff = mu_Xi - mu_X;
% Borrow this matrix and do XiXiT = diff*diff'
XiXiT = diff*diff';
% Add to Sb scatter matrix - Important to multiply XiXiT with samples of class
Sb = Sb + XiXiT*samples_of_class;
% Use cholesky decomposition to solve generalized eigenvalue problem Ax = lambda*B*v
Sw = Sw + eye(size(Sw));
L = chol(Sw, 'lower');
Y = linsolve(L, Sb);
Z = Y*inv(L');
[V, D] = eig(Z);
% Sort eigenvectors descending by eigenvalue
[D, idx] = sort(diag(D), 1, 'descend');
V = V(:,idx);
% Get components W
W = V(:, 1:c);
And a working example
% Data for the first class
x1 = 2*randn(50, 1);
y1 = 50 + 5*randn(50, 1);
z1 = (1:50)';
% Data for the second class
x2 = 5*randn(50, 1);
y2 = -4 + 2*randn(50, 1);
z2 = (100:-1:51)';
% Data for the third class
x3 = 15 + 3*randn(50, 1);
y3 = 50 + 2*randn(50, 1);
z3 = (-50:-1)';
% Create the data matrix
X = [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3];
% Create class ID, indexing from zero
y = [0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2];
% How many dimension
c = 2;
% Plot original data
close all
scatter3(X(:, 1), X(:, 2), X(:, 3), 'r')
hold on
scatter3(X(:, 4), X(:, 5), X(:, 6), 'g')
hold on
scatter3(X(:, 7), X(:, 8), X(:, 9), 'b')
% Do LDA - Now what?
W = lda(X, y, c);
The $W$ matrix contains a lot of eigenvectors. What I need to do is to multiply $W$ with $X$, but the problem is that It's not possible. I can make the $W$ into transpose, but still, I don't think that's the right method to use.
So how can I project the data with the eigenvectors from LDA?