I have a dataset with customer reviews of products and product features. Each customer reviews multiple products, but customers don't necessarily review the same products. The products are similar, they share the same features. I need to prove that different customers value product features differently.
I fit a mixed model with a random intercept and a random slope for each customer to the data in R using lmer.
model1 = lmer('review ~ (1 + feature1 + feature2 |customer) + feature1 + feature2')
I'm unsure how to test if they value the product features. I read I should test if the variance for the feature coefficients is significantly different from 0, but I don't know how to do that.
I also fit a model with only a random intercept.
model2 = lmer('review ~ (1 |customer) + feature1 + feature2')
And I ran the anova test:
anova(model2, model1)
and got the following output:
model1: review ~ (1 | customer) + feature1 + feature2
model2: review ~ (1 + feature1 + feature2 | customer) + feature1 + feature2
npar AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
model1 5 13594 13626 -6791.7 13584
model2 10 13599 13663 -6789.3 13579 4.866 5 0.4325
Since the p-value is very high, does this prove customers don't value product features differently? If I had gotten a small p, would that mean they do value them differently?
Is this a valid way to test my claim or is there other ways I can test this?