Which sample size calculation is correct?
Intended design:
- Superiority two-arm trial between drug A (intervention) vs drug B (comparator),
- outcome is binomial (response or no response to treatment),
- randomised,
- alpha 0.05,
- beta 0.2
- one-sided (superiority) testing
- drug A (intervention) expected response 40%
- drug B (comparator) expected response 15%
- superiority margin 11% i.e H0: intervention response rate - comparator response rate = 0.11
- allocation ratio 1
- interim analysis once, at 30% information rate.
# p1: test
# p2: reference
# k: allocation ratio
# delta: expected difference in proportion
# margin: non-inferiority or superiority margin
# H0: delta =< margin, HA: delta > margin
# but this is a fixed design with no interim analysis
ss1 <- TwoSampleProportion.NIS(alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.15, k = 1, delta = 0.25, margin = 0.11)
paste("Total sample size: ", round(ss1))
ss1.10 <- ss1/0.9
paste("Total sample size including 10% dropout: ", round(ss1.10))
Yields sample size of 116
# pi1 intervention treatment
# pi2 comparator treatment
## interim ana at 30% information rate
## superiority margin: H0: pi(1) - pi(2) = 0.11
design <- getDesignGroupSequential(typeOfDesign = "OF", informationRates = c(0.30, 1), alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, sided = 1, tolerance = 1e-08)
designPlan <- getSampleSizeRates(design, riskRatio = FALSE,
thetaH0 = 0.11, #superiority margin
normalApproximation = TRUE, pi1 = 0.40, pi2 = 0.15, groups = 2, allocationRatioPlanned =
d2 <- as.data.frame(designPlan)
ss2 <- d2[1,12]
paste("Total sample size: ", round(ss2))
ss2.10 <- ss2/0.9
paste("Total sample size including 10% dropout: ", round(ss2.10))
Yields sample size of 239
# Design assumptions
# Control rate for endpoint (comparator drug)
p1 <- 0.15
# Experimental rate (intervention drug)
p2 <- 0.4
# Difference in rates under H0
delta0 <- -0.11
# 1-sided Type I error
alpha <- 0.05
# Type 2 error (1 - targeted power)
beta <- 0.2
# Randomization ratio
ratio <- 1
# Number of analyses
k <- 2
# See gsDesign() help for description of boundary types
test.type <- 1
# If test.type = 5 or 6, this sets maximum spending for futility
# under the null hypothesis. Otherwise, this is ignored.
astar <- 0
# Timing (information fraction) at interim analyses
timing <- c(0.3,1) ############# information rate
# Efficacy bound spending function
sfu <- sfLDOF
# Upper bound spending function parameters, if any
sfupar <- c(0)
# Lower bound spending function, if used (test.type > 2)
sfl <- sfLDOF
# Lower bound spending function parameters, if any
sflpar <- c(0)
# Difference in event rates under null hypothesis
delta0 <- -0.11
# Difference in event rates under alternate hypothesis (< delta)
delta1 <- -0.25
# Derive group sequential design
x <- gsDesign(
k = k,
test.type = test.type,
alpha = alpha, # 1-sided Type I error
beta = beta, # Type II error (1 - Power)
astar = astar,
timing = timing,
sfu = sfu,
sfupar = sfupar,
sfl = sfl,
sflpar = sflpar,
delta1 = delta1,
delta0 = delta0,
endpoint = "Binomial",
n.fix = n # Fixed design sample size from nBinomial above
deltaname = "risk difference",
digits = 4,
ddigits = 2,
tdigits = 1
Yields sample size of 77
). I linked back to your site though! $\endgroup$