Cox proportional hazards models the probability/odds that an event is of type A or of type B, given that an event A or B happened. By doing that it avoids the problem of figuring out the probability of any hazard at all (whether it is A or B), and it only cares about the relative hazard.
So, that other package ignores this and models the events in some way by fitting a distribution for the passage times?
- The advantage of cox-ph is that you do not need to model the total hazard as function of time, and you only look at the relative hazards.
- The disadvantage of cox-ph is that you assume a specific model for the relative hazards (that it is independent of time) and that it contains all the information about the distributions.
If the absolute hazards, can be modeled, then I imagine that a model that does not ignore the absolute hazards might perform better.
Below I simulate 1000 times an observation where there is an effect (so we expect a distribution of p-values that deviates from a uniform distribution, the stronger the deviation the higher the power). The cox model returns the low p-values less often than the exponential model (which models the passage times directly), and has less power.
The effect is very subtle and the difference is not so large. When I model with a glm model using a more general gamma distribution (the lines which have been commented out in the code below), instead of an exponential distribution, then the Cox model performs better and has larger power.
n = 20
m = 10^4
pcox = rep(NA,m)
pexp = rep(NA,m)
### a function to
### - fit a nul model
### - fit an alternative model
### and compute p-value based on likelihood ratio
### assuming chi squared distribution for this value
pval_exp = function(time,x) {
mu_0 = mean(time)
mu_a = mean(time[x==0])
mu_b = mean(time[x==1])
lik_0 = sum(dexp(time,1/mu_0, log = 1))
lik_1 = sum(dexp(time[x==0],1/mu_a, log = 1))+
sum(dexp(time[x==1],1/mu_b, log = 1))
D = 2*(lik_1-lik_0)
### repeatedly simulate data with a non-zero-effect
### and compute p-values according to two models, one of them is Cox proportional hazerss
for (i in 1:m) {
x = c(rep(1,n/2),rep(0,n/2))
time = rexp(n,1+x*0.3)
##### the glm model below doesn't have great power
##### because it has a more flexible dispersion
### mod = glm(time ~ x, family = Gamma(link = "identity"))
### pexp[i] = coef(summary(mod))[,4][2]
### the manual fitting with function pval_exp works better
pexp[i] = pval_exp(time,x)
mod2 = coxph(Surv(time) ~ x)
pcox[i] = coef(summary(mod2))[5]
pexp = pexp[order(pexp)]
pcox = pcox[order(pcox)]
plot(pexp,c(1:m)/m, type = "l", ylab = "cumulative distribution of p-values", xlab = "p value", log = "xy")
lines(pcox,c(1:m)/m, col = 2)
lines(10^c(-10,1),10^c(-10,1), lty = 2, col = 1)
legend(0.005,0.9, c("exponential model", "cox model"), lty = 1, col = c(1,2) )
package in detail. The principle explained in my question is just what popped up in my head as a potential possible improvement to a Cox PH model. $\endgroup$