Interpreting MI as "the amount of uncertainty removed by adding some information", I would expect some connection to $R^2$, which is the "amount of variance explained by adding some information".
In particular, $I(X,Y) = H(Y)-H(Y|X)$, which, poorly rephrased, is, "how uncertain you are about $Y$ to begin with" - "how uncertain you are about $Y$ after you got to know $X$"
On the other hand, $R^2 = 1-\frac{\sum (y_i - f(x_i))^2}{\sum (y_i - \bar{y})^2}$, which, to me, maybe wrongly, is sort of assuming that $p(Y|X) \sim N(0, \sigma_1^2)$ where $\sigma_1^2 = N^{-1}\sum (y_i - f(x_i))^2$ and $p(Y)\sim N(0, \sigma_2^2)$ where $\sigma_2^2 = N^{-1}\sum (y_i - \bar{y})^2$... which leaves us with $R^2 = 1-E_x[Var[p(y|x)]]/Var[p(y)]$
Now, if we define $\hat{R^2} = \frac{Var[p(y)]}{E_x[Var[p(y|x)]]} \propto R^2$ (proportional in a non-linear way), I'd say it looks like that:
$$ I(X,Y) \stackrel{?}{=} \alpha\ln \hat{R^2} = \alpha(\ln(Var[p(y)]) -\ln(E_x[Var[p(y|x)]])),\,\, \text{for some }\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^+ $$
And indeed, the entropy of a Gaussian distribution is $\ln c\sigma^2$
So in other words, it seems like there is indeed a connection between $R^2$ (or at least, its made up brother $\hat{R^2}$) and Mutual Information, if we assume $p(y)$ and $p(y|x)$ to be Gaussian
Am I doing something wrong/saying something that is just made up?