I am conducting an experiment investigating lineup accuracy and witness confidence.
A long story short: we want to know what the pattern of false positives, hits and misses on a lineup task are under different lineup conditions and how confidence may vary with/independently of accuracy. Logically, witness confidence may also be affected by the different conditions, and we'd like to know this as well.
The between subjects variables are: Gender (male, female), ethnicity (Asian, Caucasian), and lineup type (sequential- where people see each lineup member one at a time and make a decision about each one, and simultaneous- where people see all the lineup members and make a decision about whether they see the perpetrator or not)
The within subjects variables are: Photo type (same vs different photo of the person), lineup ethnicity (Asian vs. Caucasian lineups), confidence (5 levels of a Likert scale from 1 "not confidence at all" to 5 "extremely confident)
The dependent variable is accuracy in terms of hits, misses and false positives (these could be coded as 0 or 1?) and correct recognition (hits-false positives)
One of the problems is that we want to know the relationship between confidence and accuracy, which would necessitate that confidence is an independent variable, however we also want to know if the other variables might affect confidence (such as ethnicity or lineup type), so I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to analyse this data.
Does anyone have any answers for me? Someone suggested maybe logistic regression, but they weren't really sure. I'm really not used to dealing with categorical data, so am in need of help!