I'm writing my final thesis in Chinese Studies right now and planned on doing a qualitative test but as I have so much data I would like to analyse it quantitatively. I did so but am not sure about the test-methods - can you help me?
Here is what I did: I'm analysing the design differences between a) English and Chinese and b) German and Chinese versions of websites. I have 50 Chinese, 47 English and 37 German versions. I am trying to test if the differences found are significant. Am I doing it right?
Here are some screenshots from Excel.
questions: Some criteria just ask if a site does have something or not (like Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) compatibility). What I get is:30 x Yes; 20 x No - for Chinese version 15 x Yes; 22 x No - for German version 17 x Yes; 30 x No - for English version
Can I use the Chi-square-test for that kind of data? As I might split the data into genres I might end up with quite small datasets. Is the exact Fisher's test better? (see screenshots in link).
0, 1, 2, 3
: I'm also analysing things like visibility of social media buttons (0=not visible, 3=very visible). In order to find out significant differences in the average can I take the t-Test? As only one side is important (does Chinese version get a higher number?) do I take the one-sided test or two-sided test? Excel also asks me if the data is paired, if I have the same variances or different variances - what does that mean? (see screenshots in link above for my results).And finally I got data for the width and height of websites. Can I also use a t-test to analyse the data? I did a Box plot/box and Whiskers Chart but am not sure what it does for me besides giving me a quick overview - or can I also see significant differences with it? (see screenshots in link for the charts - the one does seem to have differences the other one not.)
Please help me by telling me if the used test-methods are right and confirm that I can use them or not. By the way I analyse all the data in Excel as I have no experience with any other tools (and for my major something like this isn't required at all but I would like to do it anyway).