I want to predict if a customer is interested in a new product and I use the randomForest package for that.
Target variable : factor (Yes or No) so I use the randomForest for classification :
randomForest(x=train,y=labels_train,xtest=test, ytest=labels_test, ntree=100)
Variables :
- the city (A,B,C)
- Gender : Male / Female
- Age classes : 18-25, 25-59 ,60 and +
Problem : only 40% of the residents of the city A are interested (same proportion for both gender and all age classes).
In this case, ALL the tree of the forest assign "Not interested" for the residents of this city.
According to the forest these residents have a probability of 0% to be interested by the product.
Proposition : Using regression instead of classification. In this way, each tree will declare 40%, and the vote is replace by an average wich give a probability of 40%
Could you confirm it's correct to do that when the goal is not really to classify but to have a probability of interest, in order to only contact people who have a probability higher than 30% for example.