I have imputed a dataset which has 20 observations. Participants were asked to rate the importance of 13 variables under a certain circumstance, from 0 to 25.
I imputed this using mice(imp=25, max_it=25)
, and got a nice dataset after a few hours.
I'm now analysing it using boxplots per circumstance (thus 13 boxplots at a time), but wonder how I can measure the significance per circumstance of boxplots.
In the above example it is clear that the circumstance Revenue: 0 to 2 Million
is different from the Revenue: 10 to 50 Million
and possibly from 2 to 10 Million
but how can I measure this statistically?
My data has a normal distribution. A friend recommended ANOVA, but that's univariate and I feel that 20 observations is too little...
I saw: How to compare two groups on a measure of social skills that includes 5 subscales where each subscale is number correct out of 12? but not really sure if that applies since its non-parametric.