I've been attempting to forecast natural gas power demand and how it is affected by temperature and price. I'm not sure if I have done everything correctly (relatively new to R), but I do seem to get relevant data other than I can't seem to change my forecast period, nor am I sure this is an appropriate model for this data. Hopefully someone can provide me with some guidance.
Data: demand.csv
data = read.csv("demand.csv")
# Create matrix of numeric predictors
xreg <- cbind(weather=data$Weather,price=data$Price,m1=data$M1,
# Rename columns
colnames(xreg) <- c("Weather","Price","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr",
# Variable to be modelled
demandTS <- ts(data$Demand, frequency=12)
# Find ARIMAX model
demandArima <- auto.arima(demandTS, xreg=xreg)
demand.fcast <- forecast(demandArima, xreg=xreg)
Thank you for any help.
How to setup xreg argument in auto ARIMA in R From auto ARIMA to forecast in R