Two observations per month is not much information to carry out seasonal adjustment.
While you gather more data, you may be interested in measuring how consumption changes with temperature. For that, you can fit the following model (a quadratic relationship between consumption and temperature seems appropriate at first glance but see comment by whuber below):
cons <- structure(c(156, 199, 173, 69, 63, 9, 9, 9, 15, 19, 83, 62), .Tsp = c(1,
1.91666666666667, 12), class = "ts")
temp <- structure(c(1.4, 0.3, 2.3, 9.6, 12.2, 16.9, 20.8, 18.5, 14.3,
11.4, 5.2, 4.2), .Tsp = c(1, 1.91666666666667, 12), class = "ts")
fit <- lm(c(cons) ~ poly(c(temp), 2))
# Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#-52.340 -7.920 -2.102 17.963 34.661
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#(Intercept) 72.167 7.451 9.686 4.66e-06 ***
#poly(c(temp), 2)1 -201.911 25.810 -7.823 2.65e-05 ***
#poly(c(temp), 2)2 69.987 25.810 2.712 0.0239 *
#Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#Residual standard error: 25.81 on 9 degrees of freedom
#Multiple R-squared: 0.8839, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8582
#F-statistic: 34.28 on 2 and 9 DF, p-value: 6.18e-05
Display observed data (black points) and fitted values (in blue):
plot(c(temp), c(cons), pch = 16)
lines(c(sort(temp)), predict(fit)[order(temp)], type = "b", col = "blue")
Upon this regression you can obtain the predicted value for consumption given for example temperatures of 5 and 15 Celsius degrees (along with 95% confidence intervals).
p <- predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(temp = c(5, 15)), = TRUE)
res <- cbind(p$fit - 1.96 * p$se, p$fit, p$fit + 1.96 * p$se)
colnames(res) <- c("lower limit", "pred", "upper limit")
# lower limit pred upper limit
#1 83.072304 102.5629 122.05356
#2 -5.487951 14.9201 35.32816
As you obtain more data you can think of further methods. See, for instance,
the documentation and examples for function decompose
. You could also include seasonal dummies in the above regression. These dummies are indicator variables pointing each one to observations recorded at a given month, e.g. [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] and so on. (Note: one of the the 12 seasonal dummies should be omitted in the regression if an intercept is included.)