I have a basic question. MLE/LMSSE is introduced as follows: $$Y = H\theta + W$$ where $H$ is the linear model matrix, $W$ is measurement noise (let's assume it is normal so MLE = LMSSE). $\theta$ is the vector of parameters.
The ML estimate is well-known: $(H'H)^{-1}H'\bf{Y} = \widehat{\theta}\quad\quad$ ($\bf{Y}$ is the vector of observations.)
Let's say I am only interested estimating one of the parameters (say the first parameter).
Is it equal to the first entry of $\widehat{\theta}$?
More generally is the ML estimate of $S\theta$ where $S$ is some low-rank matrix the same as $S\widehat{\theta}$? I do not think that is the case, but I don't know how exactly to deal with it.