EXAMPLE: say there are three sites, and we want to compare the well-roundedness of the Users A, B, C. We write the reputations of the users across the three sites in vector form:
User A: [23, 23, 0]
User B: [15, 15, 0]
User C: [10, 10, 10]
We would consider A more well-rounded than B (their reputations are both spread out evenly across two sites, but A has more total reputation). Also, we would consider C more well-rounded than B (they have the same total reputation, but C has an even spread across more sites.) It is undecided whether A should be considered more well-rounded than C, or vice-versa.
Let $x_A$, $x_B$, $x_C$ be the above reputation vectors respectively.
We want to measure the "well-roundedness" of a user by a function of their reputation vector $f(x)$. By the above, we would want our function $f$ to satisfy $f(x_A) > f(x_B)$, and $f(x_C) > f(x_B)$.
Any $f(x)$ that is concave and increasing will do the trick.
Two common examples of convex functions are the 'fractional norm'
f([x_1,...,x_m]) = \sum_i x_i^p
for $0 < p < 1$.
Taking $p = 1/2$, we calculate
$$f(x_A) = 2\sqrt{23} \approx 9.6$$
$$f(x_B) = 2\sqrt{15} \approx 7.7$$
$$f(x_C) = 3\sqrt{10} \approx 9.5$$
According to the $1/2$-norm, User A would be considered the most well-rounded of the three, by a narrow margin over User C.
Another choice for $f$ is the (scaled) Shannon entropy
f([x_1,...,x_m]) = -\sum_i x_i \log(x_i/c).
where $c = \sum_i x_i$.
If we take $f$ to be the scaled Shannon entropy, then we calculate
$$f(x_A) = 46 \log(2) \approx 31.9$$
$$f(x_B) = 30 \log(2) \approx 20.8$$
$$f(x_C) = 30 \log(3) \approx 33.0$$
Measured according the scaled Shannon entropy, then, we would say C is the most well-rounded of the three, and A the second most well-rounded.
EDIT: I originally said the function $f(x)$ had to be convex; the opposite is true.
EDIT2: Added an example in light of whuber's comment.