I'm about to do my analysis of my Master's thesis, but I have a question. I want to check whether media effects on political trust are different between natives and immigrants. These are my variables:
- Dependent: political trust (a continuous variable, ranging from 0 to 70 (I summed up seven items on an 11-point scale, after doing factor analysis)).
- Independent variables:
- TV news: the amount of news people watch on television (11-point scale ranging from 0 (never) to 10 (more than 3,5 hours)).
- TV entertainment: the same for entertainment content.
- Newspaper news
- Newspaper entertainment
- Radio news
- Radio entertainment
I created five dummy variables for migrant status: a respondent can either belong to the native group, be a first generation Western immigrant, second generation western immigrant, first generation non-Western immigrant and a second generation non-Western immigrant. This means I have to include four dummies in the analysis.
Now I want to check whether the effect of, for example, television news on political trust is different between natives or immigrants. How do I have to make interactions between this continuous variable (TV news consumption) and the categorical variable (migrant status, the five dummies). How many interactions do I have to make? Vnews*the 5 migrant status dummies?