I have a continuous outcome variable. I understand that if I have a binary predictor, and a continuous predictor, and an interaction, then the model looks like this:
$y_{i} = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}x_{1} + \beta_{2}x_{2} + \beta_{3}x_{1}x_{2} + \varepsilon_{i}$
However, I'm thinking of making the binary predictor a categorical one instead, with three categories.
What will the model equation look like once I make that change? I understand that I'll need to have two dummy variables, but I can't conceptualize what the interaction will look like under that circumstance.
Does it make any difference whether I use 0,1 to code the binary predictor, or some other values like 1,2? This question also applies to the model with the categorical predictor, since in that case I'll have to decide how to code the dummy variables.
Prior to the interaction term being in my model I was encouraged to center the continuous predictor. Is centering (still) a good idea now that I have this interaction term?