When applying the M-step for a mixture of Bernoulli distributions, one of the parameters in our maximization is the Bernoulli parameter $\mu_{k}$, where $k$ is the index of the "mixture component", and $$ p(x|\mu_k) = \prod_{i=1}^D \mu_{ki}^{x_{i}}(1-\mu_{ki})^{(1-x_{i})}. $$ In our maximization with respect to this parameter, we get the following expression $$ \begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial \mu_{ki}}\mathbb{E}_{Z}[\ln p(X, Z | \mu, \pi) &= \sum_{n=1}^N \langle z_{nk} \rangle \left( \frac{x_{ni}}{\mu_{ki}} - \frac{1 - x_{ni}}{1 - \mu_{ki}} \right) \\ &= \frac{\sum_n \langle z_{nk} \rangle x_{ni} - \sum_n \langle z_{nk} \rangle \mu_{ki} }{\mu_{ki}(1-\mu_{ki})} \end{align} $$ where $$ \langle z_{nk} \rangle = p(z_{nk} | x_n, \mu_k, \pi_k) $$ Obviously, setting this to zero and solving for $\mu_{ki}$, we get the standard solution $$ \mu_{ki} = \frac{\sum_n \langle z_{nk} \rangle x_{ni}}{\sum_n \langle z_{nk} \rangle} $$
With that in mind, my question is as follows. Isn't there a constraint on $\mu$ such that $\sum_i \mu_{ki} = 1$? If so, then why is this not included in the maximization; i.e. why don't we formulate the Lagrangian which includes the term $ \lambda \left(\sum_i \mu_{ki} - 1\right) $?