We have fitted a nonlinear function to observed data. The next step should be the assessment of the goodness of fit of this function (like $R^2$ for linear models).
What are the usual ways to measure this?
Edit 1:
The fitting was performed as follows:
- Perform a linear regression with independent variables A and B.
- Calculate distribution's parameters from regression parameters. (The distribution is nonlinear and has variable C as an input.)
- Assess goodness of fit of nonlinear distribution by comparing estimated to observed data.
Edit 2:
Examples for the steps mentioned above:
- Regression model: $log(y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \centerdot log(a) + \beta_2 \centerdot log(b)$
- $\rho = -\frac{\beta_0}{\beta_1}$ and $\theta = \beta_2$ for the following nonlinear distribution: $f(a) = \rho \centerdot a^{-\theta}$
- Assess the goodness of fit of $f(a)$ with a given set of $(a, f(a))$ observations.