Let’s say we have data of some fruits and we want to consider different statistics for each fruit (there are various samples for each statistic). For example:
- Sugar: 50, 57, 36…
- Water: 101, 143, 128…
- …
- Sugar: …
- Water: …
- …
(…More fruits…)
We want to know if, based on this statistics, fruits are the same. I thought about using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in order to check it. So we have a CDF for each statistic (sugar, water, etc.) for each fruit. If we want to consider all statistics for each fruit, it would be nice to use the multivariate Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for two samples and compare every pair of fruits.
The problem is that I cannot find information about the multivariate test with two samples and I read somewhere that the multivariate test is not that good. Could you tell me a different test I could use? Or the Kolmogorov-Smirnov is a good idea (where can I read about the multivariate for two-samples)?