It is often claimed that bootstrapping can provide an estimate of the bias in an estimator.
If $\hat t$ is the estimate for some statistic, and $\tilde t_i$ are the bootstrap replicas (with $i\in\{1,\cdots,N\}$), then the bootstrap estimate of bias is \begin{equation} \mathrm{bias}_t \approx \frac{1}{N}\sum_i \tilde{t}_i-\hat t \end{equation} which seems extremely simple and powerful, to the point of being unsettling.
I can't get my head around how this is possible without having an unbiased estimator of the statistic already. For example, if my estimator simply returns a constant that is independent of the observations, the above estimate of bias is clearly invalid.
Although this example is pathological, I can't see what are the reasonable assumptions about the estimator and the distributions that will guarantee that the bootstrap estimate is reasonable.
I tried reading the formal references, but I am not a statistician nor a mathematician, so nothing was clarified.
Can anyone provide a high level summary of when the estimate can be expected to be valid? If you know of good references on the subject that would also be great.
Smoothness of the estimator is often quoted as a requirement for the bootstrap to work. Could it be that one also requires some sort of local invertibility of the transformation? The constant map clearly does not satisfy that.