Suppose I wanted to simulate the data generating process of a non-linear regression with ma(1) errors. So, without going into many unnecessary details, the model is
$$y_t = f(x_t,x_t-1,..., x_{t_0}, \beta_1, \beta_2) + \epsilon_t + \theta*\epsilon_{t-1}$$
where $\epsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2)$.
The reason for doing this is that I want to test some non-linear estimation algorithms to compare their robustness and speed to each other. There are probably 4 of those but that's not important either.
My confusion is the following. Given some $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ and some $\theta$, I can generate the DGP of pretty straightforwardly because I have the $x_t$s.
But how do I deal with scaling the noise. By this I mean, how can I know what reasonable values for $\sigma^2$ are? For example, if I use too small of a $\sigma^2$, then my error term could end up being negligible and I ended with a deterministic relationship.
On the other hand, if I use too large of a $\sigma^2$, it could end up dominating the two other terms so that I end up generating an MA(1) model. It's not clear to me how to know what the scale for $\sigma^2$ should be.