I have a fixed kernel and a set of points. I do SVC with the flavor of SVM classification i'm working on (assume it's just a regular SVM) and i obtain a classifier represented by an explicit vector of coefficients and a threshold. This could be with any kernel.
Then i need to generate a regressor for those points using the same kernel i've used for the SVM. This is easy: i use a SVR and it's all good.
What i need though is the angle between my classifier and the regressor. Why i need that would take too much time to explain. To calculate the angle i need the explicit vector of coefficients of the SVR but this can be calculated only for linear kernels because it would require the explicit mapping otherwise.
What i want to ask is: can i calculate the angle between my regressor and my classifier without obtaining the explicit vector of coefficients? Otherwise, is there a way to approximate the mapping for any given kernel so that i can calculate the explicit vector of coefficients using the dual formulation of the SVR problem?