I have $k$ pairs of samples from different distributions. For each pair of samples I want to check if the samples are taken from a normal distribution with the same mean and variance. I assume the normal distributions for each pair is different and independent of other pairs. I do not know the mean and variance of any of the distributions.
I am doing a two sample t-test for each of the pairs. I want to combine the $k$ resulting p-values.
I could use Fisher's method but I am wondering about the distribution of the average t-value. If these were z-values rather than t-values I would use Stouffer's z-test. I could also approximate the t-distribution with a z-distribution and than use Stouffer's z-test, but I am not sure if that is a good approximation.
Is there a test like Stouffer's z-test for t-values?
Is there a better way to combine the t-values?