You are unclear on whether you are interested in the correlation structure of the outcome variables, or if you just want to handle polytomous data in a coherent way. I will assume the latter since it is more fundamental to the problem.
Since you have an ordered categorical outcome variable (grade), the easiest and most intuitive solution is probably proportional-odds logistic regression. This avoids having to impose an explicit continuous mapping (which often involves making an assumption, e.g. linearity, or doing a hack). The concept is poorly explained on the wikipedia page and further reading is available in Agresti's Categorical Data Analysis (note, it is NOT in Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis which is basically a slimmed-down version of the former), or on
It is implemented in R as the function polr() in the library MASS. You can type 'library(MASS)' followed by '?polr' for help.
A quick explanation would not go amiss. Note that logistic regression is basically defined by the model $\mathrm{logit}(pr(Y=1\,\big|\,X=x))=\beta_0+\sum_i^p \beta_i x_i$ under the usual assumptions of conditional independence.
Instead, let's take this model and say $$\mathrm{logit}(pr(\mathrm{Grade}>F\,\big|\,X=x))=\beta_{0F}+\sum_i^p \beta_i x_i.$$ This is equivalent to defining $Y=\chi(\mathrm{Grade}>F)$ and doing logistic regression. Now we'll continue and consider the conditional probability $$\mathrm{logit}(pr(\mathrm{Grade}>D\,\big|\,\mathrm{Grade}>F,X=x))=\beta_{0D}+\sum_i^p \beta_i x_i.$$ This means that the contribution of the explanatory variables (i.e. $\beta_i$) stays the same, but since $\big|\beta_{0D}\big|<\infty$, getting a C or better is harder than getting a D or better, in the sense that for any value of $x$, the probability is lower.
Obviously, repeating this for $pr(\mathrm{Grade}>C\,\big|\,\mathrm{Grade}>D, X=x)$ and so on will specify the model completely. In the end, you have four intercepts ($\beta_{0F},\beta_{0D},\beta_{0C},\beta_{0B}$) instead of just one ($\beta_0$).
Intuitively, a student's "quality", plus a random unobserved factor, must be high enough to overcome the hurdle of getting a C. The proportional odds logistic regression model basically says that it's probability $\mathrm{invlogit}(-\beta_{0D})$ to get from a $D$ to a $C$, no matter what quality $x$ one has. This is the assumption. Details are in the University of Chicago link above.