My own personal understanding of modeling the number of independent uniformly distributed events occurring in a fixed time interval, is that we can first approximate this with a binomial distribution on the whole time interval. $$p(k;n,p)=\binom{n}{k}p^k(1-p)^{n-k}$$ Where $n$ is the total number of possible events and $p$ is the probability that any one event occurs during that interval of time, where we have the expected number of events $\lambda = np$.
Now the problem with a single binomial model on the whole time interval (besides the fact that all events probably won't have the same probability of occurrence) is that any event may occur more than once at different points in time (a mailer may send you multiple pieces of mail at different times during the day). Thus we form a better approximation by partitioning our fixed time interval into $N$ subintervals and putting a binomial model $$p(k;n,\frac{p}{N})=\binom{n}{k}\Big(\frac{p}{N}\Big)^k(1-\frac{p}{N})^{n-k}$$ on each of these subintervals. Where simply dividing $p$ by $N$ is justified since the events are uniformly distributed over the time interval.
Now we add up the distributions on these $N$ subintervals to obtain $p(k;Nn,\frac{p}{N})=p(k;Nn,\frac{\lambda}{Nn})$, and taking $N\rightarrow\infty$, we obtain the Poisson distribution with mean $Nn\frac{\lambda}{Nn}=\lambda$.
The above derivation seems to me to be far more coherent than the one given by the sources I've looked at, such as wikipedia, which all make some vague argument about how very small intervals are likely to contain at most one event (plausible but not rigorous), and where events are treated as entirely fungible, and so on each of the $N$ subintervals we have the distribution $B(k;1,\frac{\lambda}{N})$ which we sum over the subintervals to obtain $B(k;N,\frac{\lambda}{N})$ and then take $N\rightarrow\infty$ to obtain the Poisson distribution with mean $\lambda$.
My question is, is there some reason I'm not seeing for why all the standard sources use the latter argument, rather than the one I've presented?