My aim is to study the correlation between 2 parameters knowing that I have measurement errors in both parameters, i.e. I have uncertainties on the independent and dependent parameters.
I want to study the correlation using a Bayesian approach, i.e. construct my posterior distribution, and then I would sample from my posterior distribution using MCMC. This is what's called the structural approach.
The first step would be to check whether my uncertainties are normally distributed in order to construct my likelihood accordingly. I did a QQ plot, and the results are:
- the independent parameter is normally distributed
- the dependent parameter is NOT normally distributed
My question is how can I proceed to write my likelihood?
I am following the method suggested by Kelly 2007: (see section 3 for the assumptions)
Let the observed data be (x, y) and the true (unobserved) values be ($\xi$, $\eta$)
Assume that the data can be modeled by a straight line of equation:
$$\eta_i = \alpha + \beta\xi_i + \epsilon $$
And the errors are normally distributed with known variances $\sigma_x$ and $\sigma_y$.
Constructing the likelihood $p(x, y|\theta, \psi):$ where $\theta = \alpha, \beta, \sigma^2$
(note that at this moment I am going to neglect $\psi$ for simplification)
The likelihood can be expressed hierarchically as:
$$p(x, y|\theta, \psi) = \int\int p(x, y|\xi, \eta) \; p(\eta |\xi, \theta) \; p(\xi|\psi) \; d\xi \; d\eta$$
To compute $p(\eta | \xi, \theta)$, the author assumed that the data really do come from a line and that the uncertainties where drawn from a Gaussian distribution of mean ZERO and known variance $\sigma^2$. Therefore, $p(\eta | \xi, \theta) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}} \exp (-\frac{(y - \eta)^2}{2\sigma^2})$
This is where I got stuck, in my case, the errors are not normally distributed. How can I proceed? I hope my problem is clearer. And excuse me if my question is silly as this is my first attempt to solve a problem in a Bayesian approach.