My aim is to create segments based on survey data. This in it self is quite straight forward: I use PCA
to extract information from the survey answers, and then utilize k-means
to build segments in the space spanned by my PCA
However, it is the next step that is posing problems. I need to be able to attach the created segments to a wider population than those in the survey. That is, I need to be able to explain either the PCAs or the segments with other data (data that is shared with both the survey and population). I'm not having much success in doing either. Ok, I realize it boils down to the fact that the survey answers simply cannot be properly explained by my other data, but how can I improve my situation?
Should I feed my other data into the segmentation process? This brings less focus to my main goal of segmenting the survey, but is it my only option? Or are there algorithms that take this problem into account? Could I use a different tactic altogether? Could EM
algorithms help me identify "troublesome" individuals that should be put in a separate "unclassified" segment?