I have a dataset and for each hour there is 3 readings (sometimes missing and sometimes clearly an outlier). I am trying to find the mean of the entire dataset for the parameter. It has been suggested to me to take the mean of each hour and then the mean of the entirety of those means as this will help minimize the contribution of single outliers AND it was suggested to me to take the mean of the entire set and ignore the time.
Those two methods seem to have very similar results and similar standard deviations. However, if I trim out the outliers some datasets are significantly different than this (these are usually one observation that is more than 4 times the others etc and I think due to an observation error) so I think removing these outliers would be a good thing. So what is the advantage of a moving average? Is it inapropriately used here or am I misunderstanding it?
My dataset sort of looks like below:
Hour| observation
0 | 5
0 | 6
0 | 5.6
1 | .
1 | 4
1 | 4.8
2 | 5.1
2 | 5.4
2 | 498 .....