I have a dynamic mixture distribution fitted to my risk data (i.e., I have all parameters) of Weibull and Generalized Pareto, with a Cauchy CDF mixing function, that can be written as:
\begin{align} \newcommand{\mixture}{{\rm mixture}} \newcommand{\Weibull}{{\rm Weibull}} \newcommand{\Cauchy}{{\rm Cauchy}} &\mixture(x): x\in\mathbb{R^{+}} \to \mixture(x) \in [0,1] \\ &\mixture(x)=\big\{1-\Cauchy_{CDF}(x)\big\}\times\Weibull(x)+\Cauchy_{CDF}(x)\times GPD(x) \end{align}
in R, this gives:
mixture = function(x){
((1 - pcauchy(x, location=535, scale=4.21e-04))*dweibull(x, shape=1.22, scale=62.31) +
pcauchy(x, location=535, scale=4.21e-04)*dgpd(x, xi=0.23, mu=0, beta=92.25))[1]
I want to know if the following is the correct way of writing the quantile function of my mixture (where the $q$ subscripts stand for the quantile functions):
\begin{align} &\mixture_{q}(y): y\in [0,1] \to \mixture_{q}(y) \in\mathbb{R^{+}} \\ &\mixture_{q}(y)=\big\{1-\Cauchy_{CDF}(\Weibull_{q}(y))\big\}\times \Weibull_{q}(y)+ \\ &\hspace{32mm} \Cauchy_{CDF}(GPD_{q}(y))\times GPD_{q}(y) \end{align}
in R, this translates to:
mixture.quantile = function(y){
((1 - pcauchy(qweibull(y, shape=1.22, scale=62.31), location=535, scale=4.21e-04)) *
qweibull(y, shape=1.22, scale=62.31) +
pcauchy(qgpd(y, xi=0.23, mu=0, beta=92.25), location=535, scale=4.21e-04) *
The only thing that changes is that because we are going from $[0,1]$ to $\mathbb{R^{+}}$, but $\Cauchy_{CDF}$ goes from $\mathbb{R^{+}}$ to $[0,1]$, the weighing has to be performed based on the values of the quantile functions and cannot be done based on the values of $x$ anymore (hence the $\Weibull_{q}(y)$ inside the $\Cauchy_{CDF}(.)$ for instance)... Is that correct??
With this quantile function I can get a Q-Q plot, or directly compare the quantile function of the mixture model with that of my data:
# load packages
libs = c("repmis","fExtremes","evmix","evir")
lapply(libs, library, character.only=TRUE)
# load data
data = source_data("https://www.dropbox.com/s/r7i0ctl1czy481d/test.csv?dl=0")[,1]
# get quantile function values
mixture.quant = numeric(length=length(data))
vector.quant = ppoints(length(data), a=0)
for (i in 1:length(data)){
y = vector.quant[i]
mixture.quant[i] = mixture.quantile(y)
# Q-Q plot
plot(mixture.quant, sort(data), xlab="theoretical quantile", ylab="sample quantile")
abline(sort(data), sort(data), col="red")
# empirical CDF with mixture quantile function overlaid
plot(mixture.quant, ppoints(length(data),a=0), col="red", type="l")
lines(quantile(data, ppoints(length(data),a=0)), ppoints(length(data),a=0), type="l")