There are actually two things to evaluate on probability:probability-based ranking performance and probability estimation performance.
Common evaluation methods for probability-based ranking is the Area Under ROC curve
(AUROC). This measure has been developed to 2-class problems but can also be extended
to multi-class problems, for examle have a look to [1] in order to understand ROC analysis; but there are easier methods to calculate ROC curve, see [2] related to Probability Estimation Trees (PETs).
Similarly, Brier Score, also known as Mean Square Error, is
suited to evaluate the probability estimation accuracy performance. It has been shown
that the Brier Score can be decomposed in Calibration and Refinement [3]. These measures are suited for PETs, but you can reproduce them discretizing your probability into buckets. The Calibration component captures how well the PET represents the true distribution of the data; while Refinement component captures how much the model discriminate between
classes. In particular, the Calibration measure has an intuitive graphical interpretation
as the Reliability Plot, which shows record subset probabilities on the training data and
the corresponding probabilities on the test data. Refinement measure has its graphical
transposition too, called Sharpness Histogram. See [4] for 2-class problems, in the firsts paragraphs Brier Score, Calibration and Refinement are introduced. They also use Negative Cross Entropy, that is similar to Brier Score. I think it should be easy to find estension for multi-class problems.
[1] T. Fawcett, \An introduction to roc analysis," Pattern Recogn. Lett., vol. 27, no. 8,
pp. 861{874, 2006.
[2] N. Chu, L. Ma, P. Liu, Y. Hu, and M. Zhou, \A comparative analysis of methods for
probability estimation tree," W. Trans. on Comp., vol. 10, pp. 71{80, March 2011.
[3] G. Blattenberger and F. Lad, \Separating the Brier score into calibration and refinement components: A graphical exposition," vol. 39, pp. 26{32, 1985.
[4] K. Zhang, W. Fan, B. Buckles, X. Yuan, and Z. Xu, \Discovering unrevealed properties
of probability estimation trees: On algorithm selection and performance explanation,"
Data Mining, IEEE International Conference on, vol. 0, pp. 741{752, 2006.