EDIT: My previous answer failed to answer the actual question. What follows is my attempt at a more to the point response.
How is the notation $X \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ read?
Other answers already tell you what the notation means, namely that $X$ is a normally distributed random variable with some mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$. Dilip's answer also gives a nice account of what other possible interpretations there are when the notation is less clear than $\sigma^2$, e.g. for general parameters $\{a,b\}$, viz. $X\sim N(a,b)$.
Whenever I see this notation in text I tend to read it so that it makes sense grammatically. I would claim that this the sensible way to treat the notation. Thus, the answer to your question is that, knowing what the notation means mathematically, you simply read it in any way that fits the text. Here are a two examples:
(1) Let $X \sim N(a,b)$...
(2) Consider three independent random variables, $X\sim N(0,1), Y\sim N(1,2), Z \sim Exp(\lambda).$
In (1) I read it as (e.g.) "Let $X$ be normally distributed with mean a and variance b...", and in (2) I read it as "... $X$ is standard normal...".
Is it X follows a normal distribution?
Yes that works, too. Many people say it this way, although you might want to include the mean and variance characterizing the distribution.
Or X is a normal distribution?
No, that is incorrect. See this old answer of mine for an account of what a distribution is.
Or perhaps X is approximately normal..
No, that is also incorrect. There are other ways to denote this. As pointed out in the comments, $\overset{\cdot}{\sim}$ is one of them.
What if there are several variables that follow (or whatever the words is) the same distribution? How is it written?
If they are all independent, one easy way to write this is $X_i \overset{iid}{\sim} N(\mu,\sigma^2),i=1,2,\dots n$, given that you have $n$ variables (iid stands for independent and identically distributed). If they are not independent, you can say that $X_i, i=1,2,\dots,n$ are possibly dependent, but (marginally) identically distributed as $N(\mu,\sigma^2)$. Or you may have to instead declare their joint distribution -- that depends on what purpose you have for considering the random variables.
If they are jointly normal, it's easy to write that $\mathbf X :=(X_1,\dots,X_n)'\sim N(\mu, \Sigma)$ to fully characterize their joint distribution using some mean vector $\mu$ and covariance matrix $\Sigma$.
In general, you may define any multivariate distribution function $F$ and then write that $\mathbf X \sim F$.