My first question - This might be a basic question but I have yet to find an answer; when choosing the features for my model, I have encountered certain features which are vectors themselves. (e.g. Haralick texture Feature, Gabor features, HoG, etc.. as you can probably tell, I'm working on an Image classification problem.). Yet, in the literature I've only found reference to cases where each feature is a single number.
So should my feature vector look like so : [[a,b,c],[d,e,f],g] of like [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] where I 'ignore' the brackets? if so what are the implications?
My second question is - I'm trying to design a classifier to detect whether an object is a cell or not from photos obtained by microscope. but my problem is the cells I'm working on differ from each other by big margin, which creates a big problem when trying to distinguish them from all other objects seen in the image (sand, dirt etc..). How should I attack this issue? Are there known approaches?