I saw this episode of "What Would You Do?" a few months ago, and I keep wondering what would statistically be the best thing to do in this situation.
Here is the problem formulation:
You are waiting in line at a supermarket, where there is a sign saying that the millionth customer will win an amazing prize. Just before your turn, someone in a hurry asks you if he can cut in line in front of you.
Question: If you let this person cut in front of you, does he have a higher probability of winning the prize than you?
This leads to a more general question which is for me a paradox:
If you are in line and want to be the millionth customer, should you try to go as soon as possible, or should you wait? On one hand the more you wait (the more you let people cut in front of you), the closer you get to the millionth. On the other hand the more you wait, the more you risk of someone being the millionth before you.
We can formalize it as follows:
You are customer number $n$. Of course you don't know your number $n$, but you know that you will win if $n=N$ with $N=1000000$. The only thing you know is that $n<=N$ (no one as won the prize yet, but you might). Being the $nth$ customer, your probability to win is then: $Prob(n=N|n<=N)$. But if you let someone cut in front of you, you become the $(n+1)th$ customer and your probability to win becomes $Prob(n+1=N|n<=N)$.
Now here is my question:
Is there a way to compare $Prob(n=N|n<=N)$ and $Prob(n+1=N|n<=N)$?