I'm trying to understand why when conducting a multilevel model analysis the Hessian matrix is not positive definite (using SPSS). The data I'm analyzing are responses from individuals who are grouped into dyads. Dyad is a level 2 grouping variable where 2 individuals comprise a dyad. I have a score on x for each individual.
Looking at the distribution of x it looks ok (x was positively skewed but looks pretty normal after a log transformation). Scores on x are between 0 and 1.1 with a sd of 0.26.
When I examine the null model where I only include a random intercept for dyad predicting x the Hessian matrix is not positive definite. If I take the x values and randomize them across dyads there are no problems with the Hessian matrix. This suggests to me some dependence of x between dyad members but I don't know why this should be a problem.
Any thoughts?