Consider a twice differentiable and symmetric distribution $\mathcal{F}_X$. Now consider a second twice differentiable distribution $\mathcal{F}_Z$ rigth skewed in the sense that:
where $\preceq_c$ is the convex ordering of van Zwet [0] so that $(1)$ is equivalent to:
$$(2)\quad F^{-1}_ZF_X(x)\text{ is convex $\forall x\in\mathbb{R}.$}$$
Consider now a third twice differentiable distribution $\mathcal{F}_Y$ satisfying:
My question is: can we always find a distribution $\mathcal{F}_Y$ and a symmetric distribution $\mathcal{F}_X$ to rewrite any $\mathcal{F}_Z$ (all three defined as above) in terms of a composition of $\mathcal{F}_X$ and $\mathcal{F}_Y$ as:
or not?
For example, if $\mathcal{F}_X$ is the Weibull with shape parameter 3.602349 (so that it is symmetric) and $\mathcal{F}_Z$ is the Weibull distribution with shape parameter 3/2 (so that it is right skewed), I get
$$\max_z|F_Z(z)-F_YF_X^{-1}F_Y(z)|\approx 0$$
by setting $\mathcal{F}_Y$ as the Weibull distribution with shape parameter 2.324553. Note that all three distributions satisfy:
$$\mathcal{F}_{-X}=\mathcal{F}_X\preceq_c\mathcal{F}_Y\preceq_c\mathcal{F}_Z,$$ As required. I wonder if this is true in general (under the stated conditions).
- [0] van Zwet, W.R. (1979). Mean, median, mode II (1979). Statistica Neerlandica. Volume 33, Issue 1, pages 1--5.