I'm using the R package CausalImpact (Brodersen et. al, 2015) to estimate the impact of and event in a time series of tourists arrivals in a country. I compare it with other series of other countries used as "controls". The documentation of the package explains as assumptions:
1).-The set of control time series were themselves not affected by the intervention.
2).-Relationship between covariates and treated time series remains stable throhougt the post-period
3).-Be aware of the priors that are oart if the model.
I have read the reference paper to see that this is an implementation of a state-space model for time series using a Bayesian approach. But, my doubt is appart form the previous assumptions: There are any other assumption as stationarity of the compared series or cointegration among them to take into account before using this model?. Or we can simply use the package without worry about this usual questions crucial for other techniques as ARIMA models, etc.?
Thanks in advance and sorry for any inconvenience. José