I'm working on a project with R and I don't think I'm using the appropriate linear regression or plot, I've made both but they don't seem to match. The study is an ANOVA comparing $CO_2$ emissions per capita with 5 groups of income levels and a relevant linear regression. For the linear regression I want use $CO_2$ as the dependent variable and $GDP$ as the independent variable and the 5 $income$ levels as dummy variables.
Begin by ordering the variables and remove the intercept:
income_factor = factor(Data01$income, levels=c("Low income",
"Lower middle income", "Upper middle income", "High income: OECD", "High
income: nonOECD"))
lm.r = lm(CO2 ~ income_factor -1, data=Data01)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
income_factorLow income 0.2318 0.6943 0.334 0.73902
income_factorLower middle income 1.7727 0.6355 2.789 0.00603 **
income_factorUpper middle income 4.7685 0.6271 7.604 4.12e-12 ***
income_factorHigh income: OECD 8.7926 0.7305 12.036 < 2e-16 ***
income_factorHigh income: nonOECD 19.4642 1.3667 14.242 < 2e-16 ***
So that we may write the linear regression in the form:
$$ CO_2 = \beta_1 X_1 + \beta_2 X_2 + \beta_3 X_3 + \beta_4 X_4 + \beta_5 X_5 $$
Where $X_i$ is a dummy variable 1 at the level of income and 0 otherwise
For the corresponding plot I used:
plot <- ggplot(data=Data01, aes(x=GDP, y=CO2, colour=factor(income)))
plot + stat_smooth(method=lm, fullrange=FALSE) + geom_point()
Which gives the graph
But here is my confusion, it looks like there is the lm term in the plot, but I don't think it is using the same values taken from the previous linear regression. As Looking at summary from the linear regression, High income: OECD the estimate is 8.79, but the line for it is pretty much flat.
While I was typing this I realized that the graph has $GDP$ as the X-axis, but is not included in the linear regression. Would multiplying by $income$_$factor*GDP$ help?