I have been working with a data file in R that contains two primary categorical variables : study location (study, 19 levels) which is a nuisance variable and race (4 levels) which is the outcome of interest. There are other variables in the model (age) but as they do not change I don't think they impact my question.
I was originally told to run a logistic regression model where both study and race were dummy coded. E.g. for race:
white 0 0 0
black 1 0 0
latino 0 1 0
asian 0 0 1
The results for whether race was significantly different from white were then interpreted from the regression summary of the beta coefficients and their p-values. However, isn't the interpretation of the raceBlack coefficient, for example, the marginal difference between white and black at the reference of the site variable? I then recoded the site variable to effects coding using contrasts(data$site) = contr.sum(n) yielding, as an example if n=4:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
site1 1 0 0
site2 0 1 0
site3 0 0 1
site4 -1 -1 -1
This resulted in an expected change to the intercept, but both the estimates and p-values for the race coefficients (still dummy coded) did not change. I thought the new interpretation of the raceBlack coefficient would be, "the difference between white and black at the average of site location." Have I done something incorrectly or does my thinking need correcting?
Thank you for your help.