I'm looking into resuscitation related search queries using Google Trends. I see that the rate of resuscitation relevant searching falls dramatically each December. I'm not sure how to test for the statistical significance of this. I have experience with basic statistical testing in Excel and I'm learning SPSS now.
Does it make sense to structure my hypotheses like this?
Null hypothesis is that there is no difference between week of the year and relative search volume for the search term "CPR / cardiopulmonary resuscitation"
Alternatively, there is a difference.
By simple visual inspection for the past decade weeks 49, 50, 51, 52 all appear to have the lowest volume of searches, every year.
Also, am I correct to believe that weeks of the year (1 thru 52) are an interval variable and the relative search volume (0 to 1) is continuous?
So how do you recommend I go about comparing / testing for statistical differences with this data: "week of the year" and "relative search volume"?
P.S. Any textbooks, papers, website resources would be greatly appreciated.