I have daily sales data for a department store for the past 850 days. I have indicators on the major holidays and the days leading up to the major holidays. The number of days before the holidays that are included was chosen by AIC. The issue I'm having is that there are outliers throughout the data that I'm not sure how to handle. Or, at least that's what I think is happening since I don't seem to get accurate forecasts. I'm using a CV to calculate the MAPE of forecasts two weeks out, using the first 450 days as the initial training set and the rest to see how well the model forecasts the data.
I've used tso() from the tsoutliers package and tsoutliers from the forecast package to find outliers. They both give different results.
[1] 230 270 271 328 635
[1] 2222.160 2088.573 2231.577 1812.380 2138.655
train = 454
trainingdata = data$Sales[1:train]
trainingdata = ts(trainingdata,frequency = 7)
tso(trainingdata,types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"))
Series: trainingdata
ar1 ar2 ma1 sar1 sar2 AO52 TC68 TC80 AO86
0.2872 0.1331 -0.9717 0.3567 0.4607 885.2061 890.3690 -863.4296 836.8638
s.e. 0.0508 0.0480 0.0107 0.0436 0.0429 169.2521 163.4243 166.0282 169.8535
AO111 AO121 TC229 AO259 TC270 AO328 AO416
754.1791 691.0849 1236.8523 711.3954 1790.0292 764.9712 920.1783
s.e. 169.2042 167.7273 163.1458 167.9835 163.9663 170.0103 168.9235
sigma^2 estimated as 44080: log likelihood=-3064.92
AIC=6152.24 AICc=6153.65 BIC=6222.21
type ind time coefhat tstat
1 AO 52 8:03 885.2 5.230
2 TC 68 10:05 890.4 5.448
3 TC 80 12:03 -863.4 -5.200
4 AO 86 13:02 836.9 4.927
5 AO 111 16:06 754.2 4.457
6 AO 121 18:02 691.1 4.120
7 TC 229 33:05 1236.9 7.581
8 AO 259 37:07 711.4 4.235
9 TC 270 39:04 1790.0 10.917
10 AO 328 47:06 765.0 4.500
11 AO 416 60:03 920.2 5.447
Running BoxCox on the data it recommends a transform of the data
lambda <- BoxCox.lambda(data$Sales)
trainingdata = BoxCox(trainingdata,lambda)
tso(trainingdata,types = c("AO", "LS", "TC"))
Series: trainingdata
ar1 ar2 ar3 ma1 sar1 sar2 LS3 AO52 AO53 TC68
0.3918 0.0993 -0.0587 -0.9856 0.3632 0.4144 13.5805 5.7218 -7.7957 6.3960
s.e. 0.0383 0.0418 0.0416 0.0142 0.0361 0.0341 1.3201 1.2980 1.3041 1.2763
AO80 AO121 TC229 TC270 AO416 AO445 TC634 AO780
-23.3707 5.5352 5.8088 7.0446 7.9304 -23.6372 5.5475 6.7194
s.e. 1.2376 1.2307 1.2594 1.2640 1.2476 1.2393 1.2598 1.2353
sigma^2 estimated as 2.332: log likelihood=-1482.63
AIC=3003.26 AICc=3004.23 BIC=3092.34
type ind time coefhat tstat
1 LS 3 1:03 13.581 10.287
2 AO 52 8:03 5.722 4.408
3 AO 53 8:04 -7.796 -5.978
4 TC 68 10:05 6.396 5.012
5 AO 80 12:03 -23.371 -18.883
6 AO 121 18:02 5.535 4.498
7 TC 229 33:05 5.809 4.612
8 TC 270 39:04 7.045 5.573
9 AO 416 60:03 7.930 6.356
10 AO 445 64:04 -23.637 -19.073
11 TC 634 91:04 5.547 4.404
12 AO 780 112:03 6.719 5.439
Some of these outliers are already taken care of since they're the holidays. I'm not sure how to handle the rest of the outliers when fitting the model and in the CV.
What is the best way to go about taking care of the outliers? I can reset the values of the training data where it's predicted as an outliers to the recommended value if it's not a holiday for fitting the model and then still calculate the MAPE off of the original data. However, there's a LS at index 3 so I'm not sure that would make sense for that.