I'm studying this time series (Italy - Producer Price Index): Using TRAMO for outlier detection, I have found an innovation outlier on October 2008. Differentiating the series, this outlier becomes a temporary change. Is it possible this situation? Do you suggest to cut the series from the IO or to linearize the differentiated series?
1 Answer
IO=TC When you have a stationary series and you correctly have differenced it
as a pulse =[1-B] STEP or a STEP=PULSE/[1-B]
or a pulse = [1-.99999]STEP if the transitional coefficient is approx 1.0
actual/fit and forecast for ITALY
Equation suggesting 2 seasonal pulses with determinstic change in error variance (increased error variance at period 45)
Any attempt to seasonally difference this series will inject seasonality into the errors (slutzky effect) . Any software (or analyst) that suggests the need for seasonal differencing requires close inspection.