To fill in some details for the answer by @GeoMatt22:
Consider a binomial random variable with parameters $n$ and $p$, so that its mean $\mu=np$ and its variance $\sigma^2=np(1-p)$.
For a number $z$ we have
$$\mu \pm z\sigma \in [0,n] \iff 0\le \mu-z\sigma\le \mu+z\sigma\le n$$
\iff z\sigma \leq \min[\,\mu \,,\, n - \mu \,] \iff z^2 \leq \min\left[\,\tfrac{\mu^2}{\sigma^2} \,,\, \tfrac{(n - \mu)^2}{\sigma^2}\,\right]
\iff z^2 \le \min\left[\frac{n^2p^2}{np(1-p)}, \frac{(n-np)^2}{np(1-p)}\right]
n\min\left[\frac{p}{(1-p)}, \frac{(1-p)}{p}\right].
Let $p$ be a real number with $0< p< 1$. Then
\min\!\big[\,p\,,1-p\,\big] <
\min\left[\frac{p}{1-p}, \frac{1-p}{p}\right] \le 2\cdot \min\!\big[\,p\,,1-p\,\big]
By symmetry, we may assume $p\le 1-p$. Then we must show:
p < \frac{p}{1-p} \le 2 p .
Multiplying by $\frac{1-p}p$, it is equivalent that
(1-p)< 1 \le 2(1-p),
which follows from $0<p\le 1/2$. []
By the lemma,
$$z^2/n\le \min(p,1-p) \implies \mu\pm z\sigma\in [0,n] \implies z^2/n\le 2\min(p,1-p)$$
Suppose now that we are approximating the binomial with a normal $W$ with the same mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$.
The condition that $np\ge 10$ and $n(1-p)\ge 10$ is equivalent to $n\min(p,1-p)\ge 10$.
If that holds then
$$z^2\le 10 \implies z^2/n\le \min(p,1-p) \implies \mu\pm z\sigma\in [0,n].
Let $Z=(W-\mu)/\sigma$. Then
99.84\%=\mathbb P(|Z|\le \sqrt{10})\le \mathbb P(\mu \pm Z\sigma \in [0,n]).
Thus $n$ is large enough that an outcome chosen according to the normal distribution will fall inside $[0,n]$ with exceedingly large probability.