Here are some sample data in R:
df <- data.frame(g = factor(rep(1:2, each= 50)), y = rnorm(100)+rep(0:1, each=50))
One can easily get group means using e.g. with(df, tapply(y,g,mean))
but there is no such easy way to get the confidence intervals for group means. This is why I tried:
lm(y ~ g-1, df)
# correct group means:
# -0.03567 1.10070
confint(lm(y~g-1, df))
# too narrow CI's
# 2.5 % 97.5 %
# g1 -0.3287751 0.2574315
# g2 0.8075981 1.3938047
That is, one can estimate the group means using a linear model with dummy group indicators, omitting the overall intercept. But the confidence intervals of these regression parameters are narrower than the confidence intervals of group means. The latter could be found group by group with the same function:
confint(lm(y~1, data=df, subset=g==1))
# 2.5 % 97.5 %
# (Intercept) -0.3629177 0.2915742
Or a manual check using textbook formulae:
ci.mean <- function(x, alfa=0.05){
n <- length(x)
a<-qt(1-alfa/2, n-1)
m<-mean(x); s<-sd(x)
res <- c(m, m-a*se,m+a*se)
setNames(res, c("mean", paste(100*alfa/2, "%"), paste(100*(1-alfa/2), "%")))
ci.mean(with(df, y[g==1])
# mean 2.5 % 97.5 %
# -0.03567178 -0.36291775 0.29157418
There is probably an easy answer to the question of why the CIs of seemingly the same parameters are different. (The answer, obviously, has to start with difference in standard errors.) But I would be interested in the interpretation: why is that I can trust the group means found with lm(y~g-1)
but I can't trust the confidence intervals around those "means" found with confint(lm(y~g-1))
? And another naive question, why is the standard error for a group mean smaller if another group is present? That is:
coef(summary(lm(y~g-1, df)))[1,2]
# [1] 0.1476987
coef(summary(lm(y~1, df, subset=g==1)))[1,2]
# [1] 0.1628433
Again, I am more interested in the substantial interpretation than the formula showing why this is so. (I suppose after some sleep I could figure out the formula but would still be in trouble with interpretation).
Thanks in advance!